Scoliosis Correction Surgery

Understanding and Correcting Severe Spine Deformities: Scoliosis, Kyphosis, and Kyphoscoliosis Scoliosis, kyphosis, and kyphoscoliosis are conditions where the spine curves in different ways. These conditions can cause discomfort and affect the appearance of the back.
If you or your child needs treatment, your doctor may suggest wearing a brace or undergoing surgery. Braces are custom-made for the child and can be worn 24 hours a day. They are effective for flexible deformities of idiopathic scoliosis of small/medium curve.
Non-fusion techniques like growing rods are minimally invasive and allow growth of the child as well as curve correction. Spinal fusion surgery is another option where the surgeon puts pieces of bone or a similar material between bones in your spine to fuse them. This can decrease the angle of the deformed curve in your spine as well as keep it from getting worse.

Complex Scoliosis Surgery for Children -

Scoliosis is a sideways curve in the backbone that often first shows up when you're a child or teenager. Doctors may use the letters "C" and "S" to describe the curve.
Normally small curve is less than 60 degrees, medium between 60-90 degrees and large is more than 90 degrees.
It can be caused by a bony defect, nerve or muscle problem, or sometimes there may not be any underlying pathology at all.
Kyphosis is a spinal condition where the spine curves forward more than it should, making the upper back look overly rounded. This can be caused by infection, fracture, or some form of bony abnormality like fused vertebra or incompletely formed vertebra in the spine.
Kyphoscoliosis is a combination of outward curvature (kyphosis) and lateral curvature (scoliosis) of the spine. The treatments for spinal deformities include observation, bracing, physical therapy, and surgery. Observation and monitoring are done for young children whose spinal curvature is less than 40 degrees, to make sure that the curve does not get worse. Bracing can help to correct the curve slowly or hold it in place before surgery. Physical therapy and exercise can strengthen back muscles and keep them strong. Surgery is necessary for severe or congenital curves, or if the curve is over 40 degrees.
If treatment is delayed, there can be many complications, such as difficulty breathing, inability to do daily activities, nerve compression, pain, and pressing of the internal organs. There are different types of scoliosis, including congenital, neuromuscular, adolescent idiopathic, and adult denovo scoliosis. It is important to treat scoliosis early, especially in children, as the curve can worsen over time and cause more serious problems.


What is the best age for scoliosis surgery?
  • For children with congenital scoliosis: between the ages of 3 and 5.
  • For children with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: between the ages of 11 and 15.
  • For adults: any age when the deformity is present.
  • For neuromuscular scoliosis: normally after the age of 10.
Is scoliosis surgery a major surgery?

Yes, scoliosis surgery is typically classified as major surgery and can last between 6 to 8 hours.

How long is the recovery timeline?

The patient can start walking the next day, but must wear a brace and refrain from active exercises for nearly 3 months. Sports can be started after 6 months. Patients may experience some pain up to 3 weeks after surgery. Most patients are pain-free by the end of the first month. Patients are not allowed to bend forward or lift heavy weights up to 3 months after the surgery. Most patients are able to return to an active and healthy life by the end of 3 months.

How painful is the procedure?

Surgery is painful for the first two days and then the pain gradually reduces. Patients are normally pain-free after 3 weeks.

Will my pain increase if I don't opt for scoliosis surgery?

Studies show that people who don't undergo scoliosis surgery have more pain than people without scoliosis in the long run. However, the pain is generally rated as occasional and does not interfere with working life or with daily activities after surgery.

What about my flexibility after scoliosis surgery?

To minimize pain and discomfort after scoliosis correction surgery, patients are advised to bend at the knees and hips as opposed to using their back.

What if I avoid surgery for too long?

Moderate to severe scoliosis, if left untreated, can lead to pain and increasing deformity with age. It can even lead to potential heart and lung damage.

At what stage of life does scoliosis increase rapidly?

Scoliosis grows most rapidly during the growth spurt just before puberty (between the ages of 10 and 15).

What is the success rate of scoliosis surgery?

So far, in our hands, the success rate is almost 100%. There has not been a single case of paralysis. The surgical correction of the curve is between 80% to 100%, and patient satisfaction rate is close to 100%.

What are the types of scoliosis?
  • Congenital: present since birth due to bony defects.
  • Neuromuscular: may be present since birth but may develop later due to muscle imbalance.
  • Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: the most common type of scoliosis without any obvious cause but can lead to bony changes and muscle imbalance in the long run.
  • Adult de novo scoliosis: occurs because of age-related degeneration in discs and spine joints.
When can I walk after my scoliosis surgery?

All patients start walking the next day after surgery, and normally become independent in their activities by two weeks after surgery.

What if I undergo scoliosis surgery as an adult?

Surgery in adulthood for scoliosis may not eliminate all symptoms, but in a high percentage of cases, it can.

Can I become paralyzed during scoliosis surgery?

There is a small chance of paralysis during scoliosis surgery, but we use advanced monitoring techniques and 3D imaging during all our surgeries to ensure a very high success rate.

What are the possible side effects after surgery?

After surgery, some possible side effects include the need for another surgery, the curve getting worse, skin or implant problems, and pain.

Will I need to wear a brace after surgery?

Yes, you will need to wear a brace for three months after surgery.

Does scoliosis affect life expectancy?

Scoliosis itself does not affect life expectancy, but surgery to correct it may improve life expectancy.

What happens if I bend after spinal fusion?

After surgery, you will not be allowed to bend forward for three months. After that, you will learn exercises and ways to safely bend forward.

Why do adults get scoliosis?

Adults can develop scoliosis due to age-related degeneration of the spine, which causes it to tilt and curve.

Will I experience pain after scoliosis surgery?

Most patients experience the most pain within the first two days after surgery. However, pain gradually decreases for most patients, and they are usually comfortable after two weeks. Pain typically disappears completely within three to four weeks after surgery.

What activities should I avoid after scoliosis surgery?

After surgery, it is best to avoid high-contact sports like football and activities like ballet and gymnastics.

Can I lead a normal life after scoliosis surgery?

Most patients can lead a normal life after scoliosis surgery, including activities like walking, running, sitting, standing, sexual activities, driving, and recreational activities.

Can I jog or run after scoliosis surgery?

For most people with scoliosis, jogging and running are safe after eight months of recovery from surgery.
Scoliosis correction surgery is a complex procedure that corrects the sideways curvature of the spine. The surgery is typically done on children and young adults with curves greater than 45 degrees. The surgery involves multiple procedures to correct the spine, including corrective osteotomy and vertebral resection. Metallic screws and rods are used to hold the spine in the correct position while a bone graft consolidates and creates a permanent fusion. The surgery is done with continuous monitoring to avoid damage to the spinal cord or nerves. With the latest advancements and techniques, the surgery has become very safe and provides excellent results.